Emcumbrance Report

This report will show by department, of un-received purchase order items from the Horizon Materials Management module - Purchase Order Maintenance view. The report includes purchase order items that have been entered and posted but not received. The item line must contain a valid general ledger account number.  Lines that have been received or that do not have a valid general ledger account number will not be included on the report.

NAVIGATION: REPORTS menu > Accounts Payable Reports > Emcumbrance Report

  1. Department Code
    1. Enter or select a department code for the report.
    2. If no department code is selected the report will include all available departments.
    3. Note:  Department codes are setup and maintained in the Materials Management module under Maintain>>Purchasing Tables>>Purchase Order Department Master.
  2. Start Date: Enter or select a beginning date for the report range.
  3. End Date: Enter or select  an ending date for the report range.
  4. Print, preview, or save the report (see Report Preview, Print and Save Options).


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